You Are a Stranger to Yourself
You don’t get that you are a stranger to yourself, and that your journey of life is essentially a journey of you getting to know yourself.
How Heaven Works
There’s nothing logical, rational, or reasonable about the way heaven works. But that’s also the nature of miracles.
The Mind Cannot Heal
Your intuitive field and abilities pick up everything you would call nothing.
This is Where You Lose Power
It’s so important to look at what you cannot see in yourself but everyone else can.
We’re here to manage ourselves…
There is something about the power of our consciousness that gives us the authority to influence the quality of our lives. We are not imagining this inner power.
A View from Your Soul
You are transitioning to a more expansive level of awareness…
It’s about good and evil.
Do you actually think you can engage in darkness and heal your illnesses?
What is Holy Language?
Understanding the power of holy language can change your life.
Grace never leaves you. Ever.
It is a choice every moment of your life to say, I have to see this through the eyes of my soul.
The divine is in communication with you.
When I teach, I always assume that there’s a reason each of you is here.
The sacred world knows you’re here and is watching you.
Like most people who experience what it means to “be called”, Francis was on an archetypal path of awakening
The greatest thing you can do is decide…
I believe that every person’s life is only a journey of empowerment. And this journey is not an easy one.
Nothing on the outside can command you.
Each level of your soul is like an inner power system that you rely upon to navigate your external life.
The Only Valuable Thing You Have
I deeply believe that your Light is your life force. It is the fuel that we direct into every choice we make.
Waiting for Clear Skies
Embrace spiritual transitions and disconnections, trusting that they guide us toward new paths and possibilities.
Universal Archetypal Experiences
Please enjoy the opening of my recent workshop in Santa Fe.
All the Power You Cannot See
Please enjoy Caroline’s opening message from last year’s workshop in Sedona. In this workshop, we explore the emerging truth that the most valuable resources we…
The part of you that has the power is your soul
Your mind is not your ally when it comes to healing. The part of you that has the power is your soul.
Universal Archetypal Experiences
Please enjoy Caroline’s opening message from her recent workshop in Santa Fe.
Your Greatest Adversary is Yourself
It is so exquisitely important for me to communicate to you how powerful getting to the symbolic archetypal level of your perceptual system is.
But there’s not a simple formula
Organic Divinity
Please enjoy the opening message from Caroline’s live workshop presented last year in Sedona, Arizona.
The Journey of Life is a Journey of Self Knowledge
Life is about you getting to know yourself. Someone forgot to tell you that.
We know better. (Video)
We can’t go on saying we are in a planet where we can heal and we can be healthy, but in fact we are making all the choices to go in the opposite direction.
What is the God you know? How do you know the nature of God? (Video)
The nature of God is fundamentally Truth. What I mean by that is that the nature of God is revealed in the journey of you letting go of what you thought was true. And allowing what is Truth to speak to you.