The Business of Consciousness
There are altitudes in you that take you out of lesser places…
When you are on the precipice of your greatest power
You are at your weakest just as you’re about to become your strongest.
A word means nothing unless it’s targeted
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Medical Intuition,” presented in 2016.
What does grace do?
Grace is the heavenly energy bestowed upon you to transform something from this to something better.
Destiny will not serve your ego
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Fate & Destiny” presented in 2006.
Even in the chaos of your life, there is God.
In the first mansion, you must admit, “I hear you. I may not like what I hear, but I hear you.” And then, you own it.
An Angel Disguised
You should be careful how you treat a stranger because that’s how you meet an angel.
Understanding Your Own Power
The darkest part of human nature can exist simultaneously with the lightest. Both coexist, with one always working with or through the other.
The Power to Ignite Transformation
An epiphany is struck. A conversion experience happens. These are the classic archetypal mystical experiences that happen to people who go from one state of consciousness to another.
Moments That Act as Initiations
You aren’t born with your inner-self fully formed; it emerges through some kind of transformative passage.
To heal a disease, you need a word…
You only get the power of the vocabulary you decide to use.
Work with the Gods
Every prayer you say, “Help me find the strength in my soul,” will get answered faster than you think.
The Physical Laws are a Reflection of the Mystical Laws
Learning the mystical laws is not just a journey, it’s a transformation.
The Courage to Become Empowered
It takes courage to become an empowered human being…
What is the Meaning of this Chaos?
Change happens in the blink of an eye, and we are at a critical point in humanity’s history. One question that every single person is asking is, “What is my place in this, and how will it affect me?”
This is the key to your soul
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Understanding Your Power” from 2018.
The madness is the presence of God
Do you want to listen to your gut or to God? It takes far more courage to listen to God.
Gathering Jewels For Your Soul
Every jewel that you discover will change you – and that changes your life.
Arriving at a Crossroads
Arriving at a Crossroads in life is a universal experience. It’s a moment of choice where the familiar meets the new, the known meets the unknown, and illusion meets truth.
Your five senses are no longer enough.
It’s time we start perceiving our capacity to co-create through micro-and macro lenses…
The First Stage of Transformation is Revolution
Transformation is archetypal, and we have archetypal myths that drive us.
You Are Called
What you need to know to maneuver in this emerging intuitive society is that the mystical laws are becoming animated, and this is the territory that is taking charge of the theater of life.
Do you know these anchors in you?
You are useless to anybody unless you learn to understand yourself.
The Soul Doesn’t Answer Why…
So, what is your soul? The soul carries the inherent knowledge of the cosmos. It carries knowledge and not just knowledge, sacred knowledge.