A meeting point between Sacred Contracts and Higher Purpose
Robert Holding is dropping in with a message for everyone in the Reflections community.
Purpose Has to be a Revelation
More than ever before, we need people living a purpose-centered life. I think the future of humanity depends on it, quite frankly, and it’s up to each and every one of us to answer this call.
Mother Mary: The Jewel of Soft Radical Power
Please enjoy Session One from our latest Reflections Parallel Series.
Women need an incredible network of light around the world.
Women need an incredible network of light around the world to inspire us everywhere, whether it is in Iran, or Ukraine, or even in the United States – where power is being repressed. What is it about this world that they find the empowerment of women so utterly intimidating?
Something is on Fire in the Spirit of Women
I’m here with my wonderful friend Andrew Harvey, and we are here to talk about his upcoming class “The Mystical Power of Women,” which begins October 18th. I am thrilled that he’s doing this class at a time when women are roaring on the planet.
Igniting Enthusiasm for the Sacredness of Your Life
I am bringing a more mystical perspective to it, as my way of hopefully igniting in you a deep enthusiasm for yourself, for the sacredness of your life. For you to explore the possibility – if not the probability – that everything about your life is in fact quite extraordinary.
Archetypes and the Power in the Cosmic Field
Please enjoy the first session from my new Reflections workshop “Our Cosmic Sacred Contract.”
The Queen – An Archetypal Perspective
There are other countries that have queens. There’s Queen Noor of Jordan and there’s a Queen of Norway, and Thailand has a queen. But if you said The Queen, everyone knows it’s the Queen of England.
Archetypes Have Power
When I tell you that archetypes have power, I mean it. And I know from whence I speak. Reading your personal archetypes, discovering what archetypal patterns you have is the most eye opening trove of wealth inside of you that you can uncover next to figuring out how to get into the whole yourself. This is it.
Contemplative Prayer, Humility and Self-Knowledge
Please enjoy the first lesson from “Teresa of Avila as a Guide for Our Times.”
Feminine and Masculine Archetypes that Grow the Soul
Please enjoy the second class from our new Reflections Parallel series “Beyond Patriarchy.”
The Masculinity No One is Talking About
I just had a wonderful conversation with Matthew Fox about his new Reflections Parallel course “Beyond Patriarchy.” We could have gone on forever…
Balancing the Masculine and the Feminine
I am delighted to talk to you today about an upcoming Reflections Parallel class with Matthew Fox entitled Beyond Patriarchy, and the timing could not be more perfect.
Traveling through Chaos to Hope
Please enjoy Lesson One from our new Reflections Parallel Series – Being Swallowed by the Dragon.
Being Swallowed by the Dragon
I recently spoke with my dear friend Lynn Bell about our upcoming Reflections Parallel class “Being Swallowed by the Dragon.”
We need to change
I am coming to you today to talk about a new class that I’ll be co-presenting with a dear friend and colleague named Lynn Bell, who is a master astrologer, a wonderful writer, and a brilliant, brilliant teacher.
The Age of Organic Divinity
Please enjoy Session One from my new Reflections workshop – Light Law Love.
Do you understand how powerful you are?
Of all the things that I could possibly teach you, the most important gift I could give you as a legacy of all my work is that you understand the power of choice that you have, and how to use it.
We know how powerful choice is, but we don’t know how to use it.
The more I looked into the power of choice, the more I realized that the ingredients that make choice so powerful holds the key to understanding the nature of the soul, and the nature of God.
A Perfect Love
In this class, we explore the basic anatomy of Ennea-Type One, the Reformer or Perfectionist, and meditate on a love that is perfect and whole.
Living a Truly Love-Centered Life
The Enneagram is for me the most hopeful and inspiring system that I know of for learning about the natural laws of love – for releasing those inner blocks to love and living a truly love-centered life.
The word “Love” is not big enough…
So, what is love? This deep rich mystery – what is this power? Why are we so intimidated by it? Why do we crave it so much? Why is out life so empty without it?
Growing in the Darkness
You cannot avoid the darkness forever. Everyone experiences a dark night of the soul at some point. Therefore, your great spiritual task is to cultivate a relationship to both the light and the dark that is brave, honest, and wholesome.
Advent – Be prepared for a new beginning.
Advent is the celebration, the ritual of one candle after another increasing the light as we move into the darkest day of the year – the winter solstice. And then the light comes back.