Your Soul and the New Era of Co-Creation
You can’t sit in your own world and think it’s just about you. In this era, you have to get the mystical laws.
Learning to Fly and Learning by Fire
Please enjoy the opening half-hour of Lynn Bell’s new course “Entering a New Era.”
We’re Entering a New Era
I’m here with Lynn Bell and we’re going to talk about her wonderful upcoming class…
Setting the Scene for Your Hero Journey
Please enjoy the first class from “Your Hero Journey.”
Your Hero Journey
I’m delighted to be here with Robert Holden to announce our new upcoming class “Your Hero Journey”
The universe is stuck together with divine love.
Please enjoy the first half-hour of my new Reflections class with Nancy Rynes.
Love forms the structure of everything.
I’ve had decades of familiarity with near-death experiences. There’s an archetypal pattern to them.
Sacred Guidance from Near-Death Experiences
So many of the people who have near-death experiences come from backgrounds of agnosticism or atheism and yet they bring back remarkable teachings.
Set your intention to live a mystical life.
Please enjoy the first session from Mirabai’s new Reflections Parallel course “Becoming an Everyday Mystic.”
Reclaim Holiness in Your Everyday Life
Please enjoy this conversation I had with Mirabai Starr about tuning into the divine through everyday life.
Everyday life has more meaning than you can possibly imagine.
Everyday life has more meaning than you can possibly imagine
We Live in an Archetypal Universe
You need to enter the dynamics of the energetic world in order to understand why things are as they are in your physical world.
Our Silent Psychic Partners
Identifying archetypal patterns in yourself is an essential stage toward knowing yourself.
Adversity and Resilience
Realizing you’re equal to the tasks life sets before you is enormously empowering
Listen to the Whisper Only You Can Hear
Please enjoy this conversation I had with Mark about his upcoming course.
We are a mass of contradictions
The struggles we have with our own contradictions in ourselves is a great cause of suffering.
What is the name of your God, and have you heard from Her lately?
Please enjoy the first of six lessons from “The Mystic Tree of Life.”
Practicing Resurrection
Please enjoy this conversation I just had with Robert Holden about our class “The Holy Journey” which focuses on the perennial themes for this time of year that includes Spring Equinox, Lent, Ramadan, the Passover, and Eastertime.
The Deep Wisdom of the Tree of Life
We might wish for all the residue of historical traumas to just evaporate but it doesn’t work that way.
What Your Soul Needs to Thrive
When I look at the Tree of Life I realize that it is a multi-level design paradigm of the essential qualities that the soul needs to thrive
Why is Love Such a Struggle?
Please enjoy this conversation I had with Robert Holden about his new Reflections Parallel course – Love & The Enneagram.
What is Kabbalah and how can it help me heal?
Please enjoy this first lesson from our new Reflections Parallel course with Tirzah Firestone.
A Journey from Advent to Epiphany
I’m here with Robert Holden, and we are inviting you to participate in a wonderful seminar that Robert and I did a couple years ago.
Awakening Our Higher Knowledge
We’re born as if we have a clean slate. But of course we really don’t. All of this wisdom is dormant inside of us and needs to be woken up again.