The Holy Witness
The holy witness is most certainly a part of one’s healing journey. And beyond that, it’s part of one’s inner development, the need to have a witness at critical passages in your life.
The Shapeshifter
The capacity to shapeshift is one of the survival assets; to change your shape, to adapt to what’s happening around you, and to what is required of you at the moment.
The Saboteur
It is the most rewarding thing in the world when you take on your saboteur. This is how self-esteem is actually nurtured within you.
The Victim
When you first hear the victim archetype it, you’re going to have a negative reaction. But I want you to go into neutral.
The Universal Journey
Every single person’s life is not a religious journey – it’s a spiritual journey.
An Introduction to the Power of Archetypes
I am delighted today to introduce my weekly mini seminars that I’m going to be doing on the Power of Archetypes.
We’re doing something new this year…
I thought I would do a little message to you about what we have planned in the year ahead.
Archetypes: Who are You?
Please enjoy Class Two from “Spiritual Growth & The Enneagram” presented by Robert Holden.
Self Empowerment for the Archetypal Challenges of Our Time
All of us can feel that the ground is shifting, if not quaking, beneath our feet during these unprecedented times of Global Axial Shift.
The Queen – An Archetypal Perspective
There are other countries that have queens. There’s Queen Noor of Jordan and there’s a Queen of Norway, and Thailand has a queen. But if you said The Queen, everyone knows it’s the Queen of England.
The Challenges of Relationships
Every relationship you forge has the potential to teach you about yourself and your deeply held views. In fact, there’s no better laboratory for self-study than through relationships.
The Power of Archetypes in Your Life – A Personal Story
I thought I would share something personal about my own “encounter” with archetypes, as a way of communicating the reality of their presence and authority in our lives.
Understanding Your Attraction to Courage
Part of the archetypal journey written into our souls is the search for our own courage.
Going Deep: Using Archetypes to Explore Personal and Global Change
Watch the first hour of this workshop originally presented in 2014. There is a cosmic reason why the major religions are all in crisis now and it is manifesting politically, for example. And wouldn’t we all be better off if more – if not most –people really understood that? I titled this workshop Going Deep, because I intend to weave together spiritual and mystical truths with the archetypal patterns of evolution that are unfolding, as you are connected to this entire cosmic fabric. You are a part of the whole and it is a part of you.
Discovering New Archetypal Patterns of Relationships and Relating
I deeply believe that we now require a new model of relating based upon understanding that we are fundamentally different at our core. We just naturally now relate differently to our Self and to the world around us.
What Exactly is a Sacred Contract?
Sacred Contracts are “soul documents,” life assignments that are encoded within your psyche and soul in the symbolic language of archetypes. Archetypes are universal patterns…
Spell Breaking and Spell Casters
From Caroline’s Salon Archives… Apparently a number of you feel as if being under a “spell” – or several of them, as the case may…
A Personal Health Intensive
“Our soul is our life battery, capable of enhancing our immune system, of invigorating our psyche against the dark night of depression and providing us…
Brexit: What the Archetype is Going On?
The following is an excerpt from this month’s Online Salon. I’ve taught for some time now that we are living in a collective field of…
Archetypes Everywhere
“To be able to bring the study of archetypes to my online class is very exciting.” The power of your archetypes (and everyone else’s) are…