
Caroline Myss

The Holy Witness

The holy witness is most certainly a part of one’s healing journey. And beyond that, it’s part of one’s inner development, the need to have a witness at critical passages in your life.
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Caroline Myss

The Shapeshifter

The capacity to shapeshift is one of the survival assets; to change your shape, to adapt to what’s happening around you, and to what is required of you at the moment.
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Caroline Myss

The Victim

When you first hear the victim archetype it, you’re going to have a negative reaction. But I want you to go into neutral.
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Going Deep: Using Archetypes to Explore Personal and Global Change

Watch the first hour of this workshop originally presented in 2014. There is a cosmic reason why the major religions are all in crisis now and it is manifesting politically, for example. And wouldn’t we all be better off if more – if not most –people really understood that? I titled this workshop Going Deep, because I intend to weave together spiritual and mystical truths with the archetypal patterns of evolution that are unfolding, as you are connected to this entire cosmic fabric. You are a part of the whole and it is a part of you.
Read More Going Deep: Using Archetypes to Explore Personal and Global Change

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

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