An Introduction to the Power of Archetypes

Hi, everybody.
I am delighted today to introduce my weekly mini seminars that I’m going to be doing on the Power of Archetypes.
Now what I want to do in this these weekly messages to you is to follow a format. Each week, I’ll pick a different archetype and explore it in depth. A particular archetype could be from healer, to networker to addict to warrior to judge, etc. And then I’m going to apply that archetype to an individual life. Because an archetypal pattern is so vast and so rich and so multi layered, it’s impossible to describe it, or apply it to everybody’s life the same way. But I’ll do my best to make it general specific enough that you can relate to it. Then what I’m going to do is take an archetypal pattern, and apply it as best as I can to what is happening in the world around us. Please enjoy this video where I talk about all of this in more detail.
I’ll see you next week.