Reflections: Spiritual Direction 2 – Jewels at the Well


Whereas Pebbles at the Well beginning course in Spiritual Direction, Jewels at the Well initiates you into the deeper waters of the pursuit of self-knowledge and sacred truth. Your spiritual journey progresses from the initiative stages of examining who you are through your experiences and personal history to exploring the spiritual possibilities of all that you can become in your life now.


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Learn more about Spiritual Direction 2 – Jewels at the Well”

You should never enter your soul unescorted, not because you will lose your way. You need an escort because this journey changes how you perceive your world, how you understand yourself, how you view your own boundaries when it comes to love, fear, forgiveness, compassion, and even the size and shape of your reality. You will require at some point a person with whom you can share what it feels like to have familiar illusions evaporate, replaced by sharper instincts. Some days everything presents as a crisis and other days are pure ecstasy. A Spiritual Director is an escort on this profound journey into the fearless, mystical domain of your soul.

Whereas Pebbles at the Well is a beginning course in Spiritual Direction, Jewels at the Well initiates you into the deeper waters of the pursuit of self-knowledge and sacred truth. Your spiritual journey progresses from the initiative stages of examining who you are through your experiences and personal history to exploring the spiritual possibilities of all that you can become in your life now.

You – the content of all you are and all you can be – is the direction we go next on your spiritual path.

The sessions flow in an order that reflects the opening of the rose, petal by petal. We crawl in Pebbles at the Well; we walk in Jewels at the Well; and we fly in Drinking From the Well (if you, in fact, decide to go the distance). I embrace all of you from the whole of my heart and with every drop of Truth and love in me, let me close by telling you how much I love sharing this beautiful spiritual journey with you. What a priceless experience we are having.

Please note everyone: This series has been designed to flow like a spiritual river. While we welcome people to get on the boat at anytime along that river, the fullness of this journey is best experienced when one begins at the beginning because it is a journey. We therefore recommend that you take Part I, Pebbles at the Well prior to taking Part II, Jewels at the Well.

With all my love,


Lesson 1:

Whom Shall I Allow Myself to Become?

We approach our Well in this session not with pebbles in our bag, but with jewels. Our intentions now shift from solving the problems in our external life, most of which will take care of themselves with time and decisions made by other people, as we turn our attention to the full measure of our interior life. Our inner work becomes more rigorous, more focused, more consuming. Gradually we release the need to use the resources of our Well for conflict resolution in our Earthly life and for recalling the mysteries of our past or worrying about what may or may not happen tomorrow. Who we are now – and the possibilities of who we can become unburdened by fear, anger, resentment, and illusions – is now the journey.  Our gravity field is filled with the grace of the present moment of our life, filled with the potential of new possibilities in every breath. We are designed to release limitations. Imagine a celestial clock set to go off that signals the time has come to progress to deeper waters in your soul.  Think of shedding psychic illusions that burden you, fears that speak to you but never materialize.

This lecture will highlight:

  • How vast am I now?
  • The awakening of my inner senses – Do I allow my intuitive nature to speak to me?
  • Understanding the “vertical” nature of the soul: The here and now
  • Listening at my Well

Lesson 2:

I Am the Ashes/I Am the Phoenix

A great Divine irony is that we see ourselves as pursuing a spiritual path while being “called”. We believe we are in charge of life when we control absolutely nothing – not the time of our birth, not the time of our death, not when we meet anyone new, not when our family or friends pass away, not even when we become ill. What do we control? Things are taken from us and they are given. They turn to ashes and challenge us to rise again. What we believed yesterday has already turned to ash and some new belief has risen in its place. A dying belief can feel like a fire inside, melting away all that it is attached to in your world. The grand cycle of life – endings and beginnings, death and rebirth – pursues you in great and small ways every day. You are ashes and you are the phoenix. You rise and you fall, each time emptying out something that no longer serves you about yourself so that you can make room for Truth.

This lecture will include:

  • Feeling the fires in me: What is melting away?
  • What am I seeking now, in the present moment?
  • When I am the pursuer: Anger/love/confusion
  • How is the Divine melting into the world around me from within me?
  • Listening at my Well

Lessons 3:

The Silent Passage

A time – a moment comes – when finding a way to our interior center of gravity becomes consuming. The need for inner balance has been circling like a silent presence, a quiet visitor hovering overhead observing your actions and reactions, but now it rises to the forefront of your mind. It’s time to choose the dwelling place of your power: Outside or Inside of yourself. From this choice flows all your other choices.

This lecture will emphasize:

  • Without me in their world, what will happen?
  • I must continue to believe this or that, or?
  • Confronting my imbalances: How I create my inner reality
  • Craving chaos and distractions of my own design
  • Listening at my Well

Lesson 4:

The Defeat of Reason

The need for a fair and just world is among the most understandable of all human desires. It stands as the cornerstone of our humanity and yet it is and will always be only a goal we aspire to but will never achieve. For the goal is not to convert the playing field of human society to a fair, just, organized, virtuous system but to transcend that need by becoming someone who does not contribute to the darkness, who will always be an active agent of the human experience.  This is not a reasonable challenge; it is a mystical one, one that defies reason. But the entire human experience defies reason. We defy reason, as we are civilized and brutal, kind and cruel, generous and selfish, caring and cold, honest and dishonest simultaneously. We embody good and evil, darkness and light every second of our lives.  But at some point, we must choose an alignment with the force that will hold the authority within our mind, our conscience, our heart and our soul.

This lecture will highlight:

  • Does my own journey really matter to the cosmic structure or not?
  • Good and evil/moral crises
  • Matters of conscience
  • The great obstacle of the Reasoning mind: Forgiveness
  • Listening at my Well

Lesson 5:


Quietude comes upon a person for no apparent reason. It is an unearned or earned grace that transports you into a quality of cosmic-sized bliss –for no apparent reason.  No problems are solved, no great revelations are granted, and no Divine voices are heard. And yet, as that cosmic bliss gradually evaporates amid the breath of everyday life, nothing really is the same – for no apparent reason. For all the effort expended in this business of inner work, prayer, waiting in silence at the Well – for what? – and waiting even longer, screaming nothing ever really seems to change all that much, suddenly everything changes. Or is it that you have been suddenly changed and nothing appears to be the overwhelming dilemma it was ten seconds or ten minutes or ten days ago? The embrace of Quietude is the experience of something unexpected arriving in your presence. It is as if an unannounced messenger of grace greater than the engine of your imagination flooded the whole of your personal space with bliss – just like that, for no apparent reason.  And suddenly, you could think of nothing Earthly at all.  Nothing of the Earth, from the Earth, connected to Earth mattered – or matters – at all in Quietude.   It is a taste of your own immortality.

This lecture will include:

  • All that matters – but does it?
  • The mystical outlands
  • What have I yet to love?
  • What have I yet to offer?
  • The depth of prayer/contemplation
  • Listening at my Well

Lesson 6:

Never Lost, Always Found

Divine paradox holds that we awaken only to discover we were never off a spiritual path, we were never lost, we never needed to search for anything at all.  We put up a struggle with our own illusions that somehow the pursuit of our spiritual nature would cause our physical life to go poof – evaporate like a cloud.  In fact, the opposite is the truth, emphasis on the word, Truth.  The confusion and suffering we cause ourselves arises because we attempt to navigate our lives without the benefit of the compass that is inherent to our spiritual nature. Eventually we come around. But clarity is not easy in a world full of fog. You may think at times it would have been easier to stay in the fog, but such feelings will pass.  It is never easier to maneuver your life in a fog. You have to pursue an increasing understanding of compassion, love, and personal spiritual stamina.  You have to “change what you can, accept what you cannot change, and have the courage to recognize the difference.”

This lecture will emphasize:

  • I wake up and see the world as…
  • What I embrace differently each day
  • Discovering new paths of love in you
  • Pursuing the Divine more deeply
  • On healing grace
  • Sending grace and love to all
  • From practice to daily devotion
  • Listening at my Well
Caroline Myss

About Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.