Your Soul and the New Era of Co-Creation

Caroline Myss & Lynn Bell

Please enjoy our discussion from the end of class 2 of Lynn Bell’s magnificent course “Entering a New Era.”

Our evolution has been taking us on a collective journey of individuating, and a society that has been influenced by our sense of this need to be an individual. But now the whole idea of individuation is really about becoming aware of the creative power of your being, of your soul, and taking charge of that, and realizing how precious the power of the soul is. I don’t mean it religiously, I mean it’s your creative force. It becomes more precious. I believe the deeper intention is to say, Now that you have learned how to stretch your muscles, now you have to go and do this on behalf of the whole, on behalf of the group. You can’t sit in your own world and think it’s just about you. In this era, you have to get the mystical laws: What’s in one is in the whole, A rising tide lifts all ships. You have to work on behalf of the whole. And not what you can take from the whole, but what you can give to it.

“Entering a New Era – Chaos & Opportunities” is available now to view on-demand.
Please click here to learn more »

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