C.A. Dimjasovics

Carissa Dimjasovics
London, Ontario, Canada

“If you don’t know who you truly are, you’ll never know what you really want.”
-Roy T. Bennett

In this society it is easy to lose yourself. The culture tells you who to be, what parts of you are acceptable or not. We shift and try to mold ourselves into what is asked of us and lose ourselves in the process. But acting a part is stressful and can cause many negative consequences. I am convinced that all of us can be healthier, happier and have greater clarity of purpose simply by knowing and being our authentic selves.

I am a Stress Management Coach and Archetypal Consultant specializing in helping people reduce stress and anxiety naturally. A great way to reduce stress is to be who you truly are, rather than trying to be somebody else. If you know your core archetypes that make up your personality and drive your behaviour, you can begin to recognize subconscious patterns and internal conflicts that may be creating stress and keeping you stuck. Once you can see your unhelpful patterns, they begin to shift automatically simply through the process of awareness. You will recognize which of your archetypes are overly dominant and which are being suppressed. Understanding the archetypal forces at work in you is a powerful tool for changing your life!

Aside from being a Certified Archetypal Consultant through CMED, I have a B.A. in English (helpful for recognizing archetypes) and am a Certified Life Coach through the Centre of Applied Neuroscience in Toronto, Ontario. My focus is on authenticity, mindfulness and using neuroscience principles to foster positive change. Anything I promote is something I have implemented in my own life to overcome a lifetime of stress, anxiety and burnout through not living in a way that was true to my nature. If I can change for the better, you can too!

Email: insightzonewellness@gmail.com
Website: insightzone.ca

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