
October 28 – 31, 2024 • Wedgewood Hotel & Spa, Vancouver, BC
You may not think that it takes courage to become an empowered human being. But the truth is, the choice to understand the power that makes you a human being is the most overwhelming, transforming decision you will ever make. Once you realize that you are indeed a sacred being, that your Light is pure power, nothing in your life can ever be the same. You will never again feel helpless, as if there is nothing you can do about a problem, for example. You start to understand that ever word you say is a profound act of creation.
Becoming empowered is like shifting your center of gravity from outside of yourself to inside, to the world behind your eye, realizing that power begins from within you. We are all accustomed to measuring who we are by what we look like and what we have, by what we have accomplished and by who we know. None of those physical things we acquire in life have any real power – not real power. Can any item you own heal you? Can anything you buy generate love? Can anything you have accomplished stop you from aging?
The truth is that authentic power – the type of power that can transform you, can heal you, can heal others, can inspire someone, can empower someone – that type of power is invisible. It is pure soul stuff. It is the sacred substance of life that has always been called the Light of the Divine, the Light of which we are made. We long to connect with this Light, with our inner Light, because we are born knowing that we have some kind of power inside of us that needs to be expressed in our life. We need to create. We need to love. We need to discover the reason why we have been given life at all. This is now the universal passion in all human beings, no matter the different ways it is expressed. We are all seeking this inner Light. That is the universal, sacred calling of our time.
This workshop is an exploration into the power of your Light, the authority of Love, and the nature of the Divine, which is Law. I am now devoted to teaching the mystical content of Light, Law, and Love, as I believe that these are the three elements of creation that come closest to describing the nature and the power of the Divine. God is not some off-planet being that resembles a human being. The days of believing such myths are rapidly waning.
We are living in the era of co-creation, the age of energy consciousness and emerging mystical intelligence. Our compelling need to become empowered as human beings is an indication that human beings are realizing – consciously or unconsciously – that “power” is fundamentally a function of the human spirit and our grace-filled energetic anatomy system is, in fact, our source of life. People everywhere are coming to the realization that becoming empowered is essential for personal health and healing, successful relationships, fulfillment of creative dreams, and even honest communications in every area of life.
I deeply believe that your Light is your life force. It is the fuel that we direct into every choice we make. It is what we call energy until we are conscious enough of its power to realize that this Light within is, at its more evolved state, the essence of the Divine.
In this workshop, I want to present a view of your power that presents the power of your Light as your greatest resource. I will discuss how your Light is woven into all your choices and flows in unison with the mystical laws of co-creation. Finally, we will explore the universal journey that we share in our lives, which is to work through the many obstacles and illusions of life that exist between the love of power and the power of love.
This is a time in which it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless – but that is the last thing you are. If you measure power by what you have, it is easy to believe you are powerless. But if you explore power by what you are – by the nature of your Light – you will discover true empowerment.

Registration fees include all meals and single-occupancy hotel accommodations.
Travel expenses are not included.
CMED, LLC will make arrangements with the hotel on the attendee’s behalf.
Room upgrades are not available.
Rooms will be assigned from the block of rooms reserved for the event.
Attendees are advised not to contact the hotel to make reservations.
CMED, LLC is not responsible for any hotel reservations made by the attendee, or any additional expenses resulting from such reservations. CMED, LLC will not negotiate on the attendee’s behalf to discount, transfer, or waive any fees arising from any reservations made by the attendee.
Deposit Payment – Please note that deposit payments are non-refundable. Balance payments are due no later than September 16, 2024. If the balance payment is not received by this deadline, the attendee’s reservation will be canceled and the deposit held as the cancellation fee.
Your deposit payment or $500 of your fee is non-refundable. In fairness to everyone who joins, we uphold this policy rigorously to maintain our guest list with minimal changes. Before joining, please ensure that you do not have schedule conflicts and can make travel arrangements to the workshop location. Please do not sign up if you are in any way unsure that you’ll be able to make the balance payment, or if you or a loved one has a medical condition that has the potential to prevent you from traveling.
Cancellation Policy – Written cancellation immediately after registration: $500.00 US cancellation fee per person. Cancellation after September 30, 2024: 50% of total workshop cost per person. No refunds after October 25, 2024. No refund for unused portions of the tour, including but not limited to, missed meals, hotel nights and sightseeing.
Video Release – This workshop will be streamed live and recordings made available for sale. Workshop attendees authorize CMED, LLC to record, distribute and disseminate materials produced in any manner and waive all rights to receive payment of any kind for my participation in the recording or for its sale or distribution. Caroline Myss, or its assigns, will hold all rights to the produced media of all types, as well as licensing, for future use in books, instructional materials, products, promotion, marketing, and in all other public distribution, and to charge for same. Attendees who do not wish to be recorded are responsible for notifying CMED staff at the workshop and agree to be seated in a camera-free zone during the workshop.