
“We are embarking on a journey into a new era and a new planetary community. We are the generations who are exiting the old world, and yet we have not quite entered the new world.”
Caroline Myss – Intimate Conversations with the Divine
CMED is thrilled to invite you to join us for a 4-Part Reflections course with Caroline Myss and Robert Holden.
Overview of The Holy Journey
Join Caroline and Robert for THE HOLY JOURNEY – a four-part series in which they take you on an archetypal journey of inner and outer transformation. They will focus especially on perennial themes for this time of year that include Spring Equinox, Lent, Ramadan, the Passover, and Eastertime.
THE HOLY JOURNEY is a personal transformation that you are called to make to awaken a deeper understanding of your sacred contract and higher purpose. This journey is archetypal in that it follows a universal pattern, like in Greek drama, in which the “protagonist” (i.e. you) must undergo a holy transformation – a metanoia – that changes the way you see yourself, your psychology, and realize your capacity to empower your life.
In THE HOLY JOURNEY, Caroline and Robert will weave an inspiring mix of teachings and practices from world faiths, plus inspiration from Carl Jung’s “Night-Sea Journey”, Joseph Campbell’s Hero Journey, the Easter Journey, the 4 stages of Sufi mysticism, and more.
The world as we know it has entered an era of transformation. We are experiencing a death of normal. All that is familiar to us is rapidly fading from view. This is our collective experience of Divine Chaos. The death of normal is happening because we are called to create a better way personally and collectively. We can each participate in this new era by committing to our own spiritual growth and evolution.
Everything you do matters to the whole of life, to everyone’s life. It doesn’t matter that we cannot see the impact of our lives upon the whole of life. All the great teachers have taught that, “What is in one is in the whole.” We all breathe together. Even the slightest good that we do matters, now more than ever.
Lesson Plan
All seminars are pre-recorded. Click the tabs below to reveal class descriptions.
“When we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.” Wendell Berry
We are all on a journey. We give the journey different names like “the spiritual path”, “a road less travelled”, and “a hero’s journey”. What is your journey? Can you name it? Where are you going? Do you have a compass? How will you get there? In this first class, Caroline and Robert share reflections on both the personal life journey we take individually and the holy journey that we are all on together.
- What is the Spiritual Path? – recognizing your journey, hearing your soul’s calling, and allowing yourself to be led.
- A Time for New Beginnings – the deep roots in winter never doubt that spring will come.
- The Need to Purge – cleansing and fasting, emptying your cupboards, and to make space for the new.
- A Time for Holy Listening – working with the power of prayer to give you guidance and direction on your journey.
- The Invitation of Lent – engaging the power of spirit over matter,and light over darkness.
We are experiencing the “death of normal” in our world.
The “old normal” has been in decline for some time. Now is the time to envision the impossible, a new normal that we have never before imagined. And we are all called to play our part in a holy shift that will create a better life for you and a better world for everyone. What is transformation? What really needs to change? In this class, Caroline and Robert explore the real purpose of the holy journey. They share the key spiritual mechanics and psychological processes we must follow to allow ourselves to be changed, to convert our hearts, and to show up in the world in a new way.
- Navigating the Cosmic Change – recognizing the need for change in the world and being willing to play your part in it.
- The METANOIA of Change – identifying the change you are asked to make that will help change everything for the better.
- 40 Days and 40 Nights – learning about the mystical symbolism of the 40 days of transformation.
- Honouring your Sacred Contract – it’s not a mistake you are alive on the planet at this time!
- Signing Up for Your Higher Purpose – being willing to participate in the bigger picture and the great work for our time.
In this class, Caroline and Robert explore the archetypal pattern of the three stages that happen on a holy journey. For example, in ancient Greek Drama there is Aristotle’s three act structure outlined in Poetics, which includes an inciting incident, an ordeal of some kind, and a victory. In spiritual psychology there is the purgative stage (when we are in the dark), the illuminative stage (when the light comes), and the unitive stage (the fulfilment of the journey). And in Joseph Campbell’s hero journey there is a call to adventure, a road of trials, and the ultimate boon (a spiritual gift we come home with).
- The 3 Days of Easter – how to work with the three stages of inner change and transformation on your holy journey.
- A Mystical interpretation of the Last Supper – exploring some of the key themes in Jesus’s farewell discourse.
- The Story of the Passover – working with the deeper meaning of the Passover story and how it applies to us all today.
- From death to rebirth – dying to your old self and preparing for the resurrection.
“We are designed to rise again, to recover, to try again, to love again, to reach out to life, and to look up to the heavens for grace.”
Caroline Myss – Conversations with the Divine
In our final class, Caroline and Robert explore the “how to” of resurrection that enables us to begin again, to change the course of our life, to answer the call of our charism (our spiritual gift), to be blessed by grace, and to become a whole person.
- The Atmosphere of Miracles – “rising from the dead” and starting a new life.
- Using Your Holy Imagination – in which you see that all things are possible with God.
- The Power of Co-Creation – making yourself an instrument and working with the universal laws of light and love.
- Choose Love, Whatever You Do – embracing a new way of being in the world.

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.

About Robert Holden
Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries. He runs a public program of Enneagram workshops each year and also Leadership & Enneagram programs with clients Dove & the Real Beautiful Campaign, Unilever, Hay House and Google.
Robert is this year’s keynote speaker for the International Enneagram Association annual conference. He has taught Enneagram retreats on Spiritual Growth in Jerusalem, Assisi, Findhorn, Greece and Montserrat (home of the Black Madonna).
He is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay). His first book of poetry Finding Love Everywhere is published by Hay House (Sept 2020)
Just this Course
The Holy Journey
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