Holy Listening

Please enjoy the introduction and first prayer from my new Reflections Series “Through the Firewall.”
Inner silence is not the same as being quiet. Being quiet means that you are not speaking, or that you have removed yourself from external noise, or that you want to get away from chaos to be alone. Entering silence, on the other hand, is the choice to turn your attention inward with the intent to listen for the rustling of holy wind in your soul. Holy listening is listening “below” your head. Release the endless questioning nature of your mind and breathe your attention into your solar plexus. You will have to do this again and again during the day because out of habit, you will kick into mental gear in a microsecond. If you are engaging in ordinary life activities today, you have to adapt sacred silence and holy listening to your world. It is never impossible to enter inner silence or to retreat to your holy center. In fact, what could be more important than to realize you can retreat to your holy center while conducting business or shopping, or during a stressful exchange with someone? You do not have to flee to a remote place to recharge and protect yourself. Your soul is resourceful; it is a vessel for guidance and grace. Should you find yourself in such a circumstance today, close your eyes and repeat the prayer, “In this sacred inner space, I shall wait for You. I am waiting, Lord. I am listening.”