Gill Taylor

My name is Gill and I’m an astrologer and life coach/spiritual advisor.
My background before entering the personal development field was in nursing and I am an experienced Registered General Nurse (RGN) and Children’s Nurse (RSCN). I started off my working life as a Nurse mainly because I had a strong desire to help other people and on leaving school this was my chosen career path.
I was also interested in astrology from a young age and began studying astrology in 1988 when I did classes in Glasgow at the Theosophical society. I then studied esoteric astrology which focuses on the Soul’s purpose in Dundee within the Theosophical and astrology group based there. I have worked with clients doing professional astrology readings for many years now.
I lived in Nepal for a period of time and this led me to study buddhism and the nature of our spiritual life which acted as a catalyst for my spiritual growth. I had my own health challenges to work through in the shape of chronic fatigue for some time and I started working with complementary therapies plus reading the work of Louise Hay and Sanaya Roman’s from 1995 onwards to help me heal this. I am now a qualified teacher with Luminessence and work extensively with their advanced meditation classes.
I had a spiritual awakening experience when I was 32 that changed my life forever and confirmed a lot of what I’d felt but until that point had no proof to explain or confirm. Since then I have focused on complementary healing methods and helping those people who are on a spiritual path of awakening too!
Since 1998 I have worked with Caroline Myss’s work (I am a student of CMED :Caroline Myss Education Institute) and this has been a major contributory factor on my own health improvement and this allowed me to work with clients to offer guidance and coaching. I have studied and worked with archetypes and symbolism and am interested in how these intertwine with astrology data in outlining the Sacred contracts we have in life with others that help us to live our unique life purpose.I have studied the ‘Entering the Castle’ workshops at Findhorn and Turnberry and this has given me an ongoing interest for the mystical side of life. I have completed the Sacred Contracts course through CMED with Caroline Myss to guide me and now offer my own insights into your Sacred Contract and Soul’s purpose for this lifetime.
I am a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (since April 2003 ) Certified Time Line Therapist in NLP (April 2004) and Huna Ho’omaka Initiate (April 2007). I have studied a full spectrum of other healing modalities including Reiki, Life Coaching ,The Silva method, Indian head massage and meditation. These have all helped me to make many positive changes in my own health and life and then to assist clients.
I have used these therapies and my own experiences to help people to make many positive changes in their health, lifestyle, relationships, self image and identity over the last few years. My aim is to assist you in letting go of anything which stands in the way of you living your dreams. I work with clients who are willing to act on the key changes that will help them to align with their life purpose and move them towards an authentic lifestyle which is aligned with their core values.
My intention is to guide you in doing this in a more joyful and positive way so that your life is lived on this upward spiral that supports and nurtures you and aids this planet in healing.
I offer one to one coaching based on the principles of helping you to understand your Sacred Contracts and align with your Sacred Purpose.
My website is at and I have a blog at
You can contact me through my e-mail address at for further details.
Many thanks,
Gill Taylor
Gill Taylor
Aligning you with your Sacred Purpose
Skype : gilltay1